Political cartoon

Political cartoon

Standard oil octopus loc color
Cartoon depicting an organization as an octopus
In the 1700s, artists such as William Hogarth regularly made units of humorous (funny) drawings that have been about political subjects, such as poverty, elections, warfare, and riots. The drawings have been made into prints and have been offered cheaply. These prints had been now not referred to as cartoons at that time, however, they led to the thought of contemporary political cartoons in newspapers.

Nowadays many newspapers submit a unique political caricature in the paper, each and every day. The phrase "cartoon" was once first used in this way in 1843 in an English journal known as Punch.

A political caricature does no longer usually exhibit actual people. Sometimes it may additionally use a personification of u. s . or employer as a person, an animal, or a monster. For example, Britain would possibly be proven as a female keeping an infant Australia in her arms. Russia may be proven as a bear. The United States may be proven as a Bald Eagle.

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